| Custom, Hand-crafted FurnitureWelcome to Plane Answers. I hand-craft custom furniture - specializing in tables, rockers, cabinets, and bedroom furniture. Please explore the photo gallery for samples of my custom furniture. I can make exactly what you see here, customize what you see, or create something entirely new. Please let me know what you want or ask any question. Enjoy the journey. NOTE: Currently, I am not producing furniture or woodworking items... Regardless, please feel free to contact me with any question you might have. I apologize for this inconvenience.Highlight --> Custom Decorative Box with Sliding Lid - This decorative box was custom-made from Bloodwood and figured Maple. It has an inlaid Bloodwood "A" crafted into the smoothly sliding top. Matching Bloodwood splines in the figured Maple accent this small box.
My MissionMy goal is to build the most beautiful furniture possible. God Almighty created the trees which produces the wood. It is my privilege to take what is already perfect and shape it into furniture that is functional, comfortable, and beautiful. Company/Artist Profile
I was born and raised in Northeast Ohio and have lived here for my entire life. Most of my furniture projects are made from wood that is grown in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Black Cherry, Maple, and Oak are my favorites and I am grateful that these woods are plentiful here. Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated with wood. I love that God made trees to help us live and breathe. He made them to give us food, shade, life-saving drugs, building materials, etc. I love that I can take wood from a tree that has already given so much and shape it into furniture. The beauty and function of the tree lives beyond its own lifetime- something for which all of us should strive. Contact Information
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